Just be yourself
There is a story about the centipede, the snake and the wind that envy one another for their inborn characteristics.
The story is as follow:
The centipede envies the snake for the fact that it can move without legs.
But the snake envies the wind for its ability to travel great distances without having a body at all.
However, the wind argues that it takes just a finger or foot to hinder it.
So which is better? The centipede? The snake? Or the wind?
All in all, nature has created everything with its own attributes. Nothing is better than the other. The snake cannot be made to move like the wind or vice versa.
Thus, we’ve completely missed the point if we feel obliged to change who we are in order to fit to a norm.
White folks pay money to have their skin browned at a tanning salon. Dark skin folks strive to look lighter, and Causasians like having cute Asians as girlfriends.
Everything would be a lot easier if we just be who we are, as nature intended.